Qualità e Bioscienze
2000: The “process oriented” organizational model vs RM, a process among value creation processes
The limits of functional orientation became evident since the late ‘90, when the greater uncertainty shown by the economic context and the financial markets changed the competitive context in which the company operated. The need to rethink the organizational model has thus emerged in such a way as to further…
Organizational changes and Risk Management: the 80s
In the ’80s, the most popular organisational model was the so-called “functional” one: the companies were structured in separate “vertical” functions, devoted to specific areas of their supply chain. Hierarchical levels were numerous and segmented. At that time, risk management had a marginal depth within the company governance. The scope…
Enterprise Risk Management: a series of articles
With this post we inaugurate a series of articles dedicated to the Enterprise Risk Management, in the frame of a collaboration between Antonella Lanati, owner of Valore Qualità, consultant and adjunct professor at Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, and Alberto Bettanti, professor of management engineering at Università degli Studi di Genoa…
Cresce l’interesse per l’Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
L’argomento della gestione del rischio d’impresa, o Enterprise Risk Management (ERM), sta raccogliendo un crescente interesse tra gli addetti ai lavori (risk manager, broker, …) ma anche tra membri della C-suite, consulenti, manager, giovani che si affacciano al mondo del lavoro o che stanno costruendosi una carriera. L’ERM, nell’attuale contesto…
ERM – webinar organizzato da ANRA
25/05/2020 Venerdì 5 giugno alle 14:00 ANRA organizza un incontro per discutere della gestione del rischio strategico d’azienda secondo la disciplina dell’Enterprise Risk Management L’incontro organizzato da ANRA tratta della gestione del rischio strategico d’azienda, secondo la disciplina ERM (Enterprise Risk Management), con la partecipazione di TUV Rheinland, Organismo…